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Accounts administration

Add account to supervise
Add accounts to supervise from your Drag'n Survey account. You can supervise an unlimited amount of users on an unlimited hierarchy level. For example, the head of a company can supervise the accounts of marketing departments, HR and commercial which themselves supervise the accounts of their employees. Drag`'n Survey fits in the hierarchy of all types of organizations.
Create and share survey templates
Create survey templates and share them with your supervised accounts. Users can not modify the shared templates but can copy them and edit the copy as they like. A administered account also has the ability to create their own polls.
Collect data on survey templates
Each account can collect datas on survey templates. Administrator account get a consolidate view of all the datas gathered by supervised accounts.
Supervised account can only see the results that they collected.
Data analysis
Data analysis is processed in real time.Supervisor account can see the results from all linked accounts or review each account results separately.