Drag’n Survey for teachers
Need to create quizzes to assess students or grade papers faster with the help of Artificial Intelligence?
Easily create your evaluation on Drag’n Survey, the French software that supports teachers
Easily create your evaluation on Drag’n Survey, the French software that supports teachers
Drag’n Survey offer for teachers
50% lifetime discount on PREMIUM subscriptions
Discount available on both monthly and yearly subscriptions
Offer valid for life

Eligibility conditions
Be a primary school, middle school, high school, or higher education teacher
Have created an account on Drag’n Survey
Be a new Drag’n Survey user
Validate your eligibility
Drag’n Survey is committed to supporting teachers and educators by providing a set of reliable tools for their professional use. These resources have been established to address the financial challenges teachers often face and to support quality education.
By choosing to subscribe to the dedicated offer, teachers will receive high-quality resources at a reduced price for assessing students and learners.
At Drag’n Survey, we strive to support teachers by providing them with efficient solutions that meet their specific survey needs.
With unprecedented innovations in the world of online surveys, Drag’n Survey simplifies teachers' daily tasks and enhances their professional experience.
By choosing to subscribe to the dedicated offer, teachers will receive high-quality resources at a reduced price for assessing students and learners.
At Drag’n Survey, we strive to support teachers by providing them with efficient solutions that meet their specific survey needs.
With unprecedented innovations in the world of online surveys, Drag’n Survey simplifies teachers' daily tasks and enhances their professional experience.