What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative research?

    Conducting qualitative and quantitative research allows for obtaining detailed and far-reaching results. These are complementary methods that consist of gathering information on a specific area and accurately measuring needs, motivations, etc.

    Qualitative research is generally used to highlight new issues or opportunities.

    As for quantitative research, it provides figures that validate the issue or opportunity.

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    Definition of qualitative and quantitative research

    Differentiating between these types of research is essential for successfully collecting data. Note that each of these methods has its own strengths. Together, they constitute a powerful lever for understanding market dynamics.

    Quantitative research

    Quantitative research allows for analyzing opinions, behaviors and expectations. It involves questioning a large number of individuals in order to produce numerical data. This type of survey is generally used to prove and demonstrate facts. The statistical data obtained can be represented in graphs or tables.

    To conduct successful quantitative research, the first thing to do is select a sample that is representative of the population being studied. Indeed, identifying the gender, size, interests or even the social situation of the individuals to be questioned makes it possible to obtain measurable results. Next, it is necessary to create a survey to carry out the research properly. In any case, the questions asked must be closed-ended and multiple choice.

    Qualitative research

    Qualitative research, on the other hand, allows for analyzing and understanding phenomena, group behaviors, subjects or facts. Its purpose is to describe a topic rather than measure it.

    One method for collecting data is to conduct interviews using questions prepared in advance. You can choose between directive, semi-directive or non-directive interviews.

    The directive interview corresponds to administering a questionnaire to the people you wish to interview. There is no dialogue between the interviewer and the respondent. In this type of study, open-ended questions will be used to collect information.

    With an online survey software, the comments collected are easier to analyze because they can be processed using an Artificial Intelligence module.

    Combining quantitative and qualitative research

    Qualitative and quantitative research are complementary approaches. Generally, qualitative research is conducted before quantitative research. This highlights new opportunities or issues encountered.

    Qualitative research is a method that allows you to thoroughly explore your topic. However, quantitative research provides you with the elements necessary to measure, confirm and better understand each opportunity or issue.

    Combining these two methods is a judicious idea for conducting effective surveys. Indeed, conducting qualitative research provides detailed information on a specific topic. However, analyzing the results can be complicated, as participants use different expressions to convey their opinion. Quantitative responses, on the other hand, provide more precision on each participant’s answers.

    3 cases of application of quantitative research

    Survey of a sample representative of the population, quantitative research aims to describe and study behaviors. It allows measuring satisfaction, attendance, audience or perception of a given subject. It can be used in different situations.

    1. Brand positioning study

    The positioning strategy consists of endowing the product, service or even brand with significant, specific and distinctive advantages. Attached to these advantages, consumers become more loyal. Implementing a positioning strategy is particularly effective for standing out from competitors.

    2. Brand image study

    This is a marketing study that aims to determine the image of a company or brand as perceived by consumers. The brand image study makes it possible to identify the brand’s strengths and weaknesses as well as areas for improvement.

    Sectoral or competitive, this survey also makes it possible to position the brand against its competitors.

    3. Advertising effectiveness measurement

    Advertising effectiveness determines the ability of an advertising campaign or message to achieve the objectives set by the advertiser. Measuring it is essential to measure the return on investment of campaigns carried out. By measuring the effectiveness and relevance of your advertisements, you can effectively determine and guide future marketing strategies.

    Among the techniques used to measure advertising campaign performance, quantitative research is one of the most popular. The methodology is based on a large sample size representing the reference population studied. The data collected will make it possible to use statistical methods that facilitate the analysis of responses.

    4 cases of application of qualitative research

    Qualitative research is one of the techniques least known to the general public among marketing studies. However, it is widely used to explore a universe, grasp what characterizes it, evaluate, measure and understand consumer behaviors, needs and attitudes. It also makes it possible to collect the information necessary to launch a large-scale analysis operation.

    1. Consumer research

    Consumer research is an essential part of any successful marketing and development strategy. As the name suggests, it involves measuring consumer reactions. The aim is to understand purchasing habits, expectations, values and needs in order to make better use of them. The information and statistics collected will allow you to better target your customers and thus maximize the success of your advertising campaigns.

    2. Motivation study

    The motivation study is based on an interview focused on the free expression of interviewees on a given topic. The goal is to elicit spontaneous expressions.

    The motivation survey makes it possible to determine each participant’s motivation on a specific topic, their expectations and potential obstacles.

    3. Launching a new product or service

    Although launching a new product or service may seem like a one-time event for a company, it directly impacts the proper development and sustainability of the company. Indeed, the successful promotion of a product or service will improve sales and boost turnover. However, failure can cause you significant loss of money and time.

    This is why conducting qualitative research is essential. It provides better understanding of consumer desires and develops an adequate strategy to stimulate sales after testing the concept or product.

    Qualitative research consists of questioning potential customers in the most open way possible to identify their expectations regarding a structure like yours.

    4. Usage study

    The study of consumer usage is one of the traditional marketing exercises. Among other things, it makes it possible to know and fully understand consumer habits: how often and how a given product is used by customers, what their opinions are on the subject, etc. Observing usage and proximity to customers are key factors for the success of a product or service because they provide a better understanding of customer needs.

    The usage study is essentially focused on the user experience. In addition to testing the concept and taking into account the functionality of the product, it takes into account the packaging, the emotions it generates, etc.

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    Read the article:
    German – qualitativer und quantitativer Forschung, click here
    French – les différences entre une étude qualitative et quantitative, click here
    Portuguese – diferenças entre uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, click here