Why a satisfaction survey?

    For a company or an organization, knowing its customer’s satisfaction includes several stakes. It is bounded to profitability, customer loyalty development and the image of a product or a service. There are several reasons to carry it out and several devices to set it up.

    It is a complementary package for the internal indicators of a company or an organization.

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    Why a satisfaction survey

    From customers satisfaction to profitability

    Customer’s satisfaction is closely related to profitability. The quality delivered by a product or a service involves the purchaser’s satisfaction and is a vehicle for an image of quality. Happy customers, in their turn, convey a good image and are loyal. They buy more and more often, which involves a better profitability. As for the good conveyed image, it involves customer development and thus a profitability development.

    The TARP Company led studies which highlighted the customer’s satisfaction and loyalty relationship. It was noted that 17% of the discontent customers remain loyal against 73% of the satisfied customers. It was also highlighted that discontent customers complain less and leave without anything to say.

    On average, a discontent customer will communicate his feelings to ten people and a satisfied person will do it with approximately four. The customers’ dissatisfaction is thus very strongly bounded to the image.

    Satisfaction involves loyalty and a better profitability. Satisfied customers recommend a product or a service to potentials new customers. That makes it possible to gain on the cost of their acquisition. Satisfaction allows to create customer loyalty and makes more difficult the entry of competitors on the market.

    The satisfaction survey for a better quality and a better listening

    It aims to identify the priorities for improvement and to follow the perception evolution in time. The purpose is to shape the direction of the quality policy, to position the quality objectives, to train personnel and to launch improvements on quality.

    The survey has the advantage of giving the opportunity to the customers to express themselves directly without passing by the internal services of a company or an organization. Filters are thus avoided and customers express themselves freely.

    The satisfaction survey as an internal stimulant to the company or the organization

    The implementation of a study makes it possible to obtain a more attentive listening on behalf of the mentoring teams, unlike the increase of personnel in contact with customers. On the contrary, mentoring teams could take advantage of the study to encourage and justify the in-house evolutions.

    Read the french version
    Pourquoi réaliser une enquête de satisfaction ?, click here