Using Skip Logic in a survey

    Skip logic is accessible to users of Drag’n Survey after a PLUS or PREMIUM subscription. It allows directing respondents of an online questionnaire to different ways. It applies with full transparency to the interviewees and makes the survey more accessible and fluid. This eliminates questions like “if your answer is no, go to question 16”.

    It is recommended to define in advance the course the research would follow based on the answer. As it heads to specific parts of the research, it is necessary to know the number of pages to be created.

    It can be applied to a page or directly to a question.

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    Skip logic

    Skip logic applied to a question

    It provides the possibility of directing individuals to a specific page according to the answer choice.

    For example, those who answered “no” to question 2 from page 1 of the online questionnaire will be taken directly to question 16 on page 4. Conversely, those who answered “yes” will follow the normal course of the research.

    Skip logic applied to a page

    It is applied to direct respondents who arrive on a page towards a specific page of the research. In this case, we do not take into account the answers. For example, it is used to direct people to the “acknowledgement” page.

    Application Case

    It is used to take out of the survey people who do not meet the desired criteria. For example, if we only want to interview women between “45 and 55” years old, we offer a multiple choice question including multiple age groups. Women who do not meet the criterion will be directed to the acknowledgement page.

    It is applied when you want to set up a multilingual questionnaire. In this case, it will be allowed to select the language in which individuals wish to answer and we lead them directly to the part corresponding to their choice.

    It is used to keep attention of respondents. Keeping attention is one factor that provides a significant response rate. Participating in a survey can sometimes be tedious to some individuals. It is easier to be directed to parts of the study with full transparency rather than producing an effort to find the next question depending on the answer.

    It is one factor that provides truthful answers. Some individuals do not wish to respond freely to sensitive questions or when showing a marginal opinion or attitude. Guiding people to the part of the research dealing only with their specificity does not offer the possibility of comparing themselves with others.

    Good practice

    It is recommended to test the online questionnaire to verify that skip logic refers to the correct page number or the correct number of the question. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance the course of the questions we want to implement.

    Read the french version
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