Twitter survey

    twitter survey

    Twitter is an excellent social network that offers its users a convenient platform in which they can get in touch with a variety of important professionals and individuals spread world-wide.

    In contrast to Facebook, Twitter allows to acquire a wide range of “followers” and create a community that corresponds exactly to one’s areas of interests or to his line of business with a matter of seconds and in the most convenient way possible. This social network has now become an essentiality among companies due to its utmost convenience and transparency when communicating to its clients, prospects or even the influential people related to its line of business.

    At present, there are a vast number of individuals and companies who are in the struggle to issue yet another questionnaire into these social networks with the sole intention of reaching out to as many people as possible. Among all, Twitter is known to be one of the most adapted tools, even if the site does not offer an integrated solution to create a survey.
    For this, we must focus our attention towards an on-line questionnaire software.

    >> Check out Drag’n Survey, and start right away!

    twitter survey

    Create an online questionnaire with Drag’n Survey

    Drag’ n Survey is a free software that simply allows its users to set up enquiries, within only a few clicks away thanks to its intuitive interface.
    You are also offered several questionnaire templates that you are free to use or edit directly in order to fit your needs.

    A bank of questions is right at your fingertips that suggest some of the most used typical questions related to various business sectors.
    Once your study is complete, your next step would be to generate a “Web link” through the publishing area and finally, simply stick it onto a tweet.

    Publishing the poll on Twitter

    Login to your account and click on “to tweet”, so as to create an introductory sentence and then paste the Web link onto it.
    If you wish to reach out to a wider public apart from your community use hash tags (#).  This allows other members available worldwide to read your tweet although they are not a member among your followers.

    tweet your survey

    Analyze the results of your survey

    Drag’ n Survey keeps you out of all the trouble and updates the results automatically. The data processing system is automated, thus, you will have all the necessary reports of your inquiries directly on the site right in front of you.

    Increase its participation rate

    Publishing a poll on a social network allows to increase the number of participants to a considerably higher rate. However, in order to reap the maximal benefits, there are a few rules that should be taken into consideration:

    – Write an introductory text that is clearly directed towards the subject of the survey
    – Specify a duration so as not to discourage those people being questioned along the way
    – Add a progress bar
    – Use clear questions
    – If possible, make sure, that your survey is not too long
    – Feel free to add a little sense of humor

    Find out what other social networks are out there that allows you to publish polls successfully

    Numerous social networks offer the possibility of posting Web links and thus of publishing on-line questionnaires. Facebook, on one hand is an excellent technique (read the article on the topic), but Google +  is also a constructive option to concentrate on.
    In order to communicate with a professional population you can also consider LinkedIn.

    Read the french version
    Comment faire un sondage Twitter ?, click here