5 barriers to training assessment

    Thanks to the Kirkpatrick’s four-level training assessment model (reactions, learning, behaviors, results) players of the market have at disposal a method enabling them to assess their trainings. However, it is noted that the assessment is not much implemented because of five principal barriers.

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    five barriers to training assessment

    There is not much desire to assess training

    It is noted that few players wish to assess the training implementation. This incentive does not push the general directions to assess the benefit brought by them. It could be however estimated if the training cost is lower or higher than the benefits it brings.

    Moreover, if training is an integral part of a company’s culture, it can be considered unnecessary to assess the benefit, thinking that it is something already known.

    This lack of desire to training assessment can also result in several factors:

    – Assessment is not a priority – the company or the person in charge does not consider assessment as important or urgent;
    – It is difficult to obtain valid results;
    – The assessment implementation is expensive;
    – Companies do not necessarily have time – assessment could be considered as an additional load. Beyond the implementation of an online training assessment will bring a saving of consequent time, in the creation of the questionnaires as well as in the results data which will be done in real time;
    – It is possible to cause reluctance from the employees.

    This lack of demand can also harm the trainers who will not have the possibility to measure their results and thus stand out from their peers.

    No one knows exactly what to assess

    Nowadays, it should be noted that the assessment implementation not only requires knowing how the results will be used, but also what will be done with it. It is clear that if there is no answer to these questions, there will be little interest to set up an assessment.

    Training centers are more capable to set up an assessment because certain limited partners are particularly demanding on the matter. Indeed, they will willingly turn to the organizations which propose this service.

    The lack of expertise on the subject of the assessment

    Expertise in terms of assessment is not always held by the persons in charge of training. Moreover, they do not always have access to the tools available on the market. Indeed, if a person in charge does not have tools at disposal, like an online survey software, and the organization in which they work does not have specific processes, it will be difficult for them to carry out a successful assessment.

    Fear of the assessment

    The assessment implementation can be considered risky because it can question various players. A trainer will not necessarily wish to see his expertise discussed; a manager will not wish that the training failure be his responsibility and that the management decisions of a person in charge of the training could be questioned.

    Assessment can appear to be expensive

    If an assessment were badly carried out in a company, it will have required time on behalf of employees as well as an investment in the acquisition of tools. Moreover, if the assessment highlighted gaps but did not generate an action plan aiming to improve them, there will be an obstacle for the assessment implementation.

    These barriers are not justified and will be dismissed if the desire to assess is more frequently expressed, if it is specified what is going to be assessed, if main players are trained for the assessment and if fears are moved aside. Thus, the assessment will not be perceived any more like something expensive because the company or the main players will understand all interests.

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    5 freins à l’évaluation d’une formation, click here